Quote of the Moment:

“There is no limit to what you can do, so long as you don't care who gets the credit.”

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Environmental Management


Solar energy is the fuel for ecological activity. In our efforts to achieve the “triple bottom line”, we see energy budgeting to be the essence of management. Effective management is measured by the level of health:

  • SustainABILITY: sustaining life
  • Success is expressed in the thriving of LIFE: biodiversity increases.
  • Failure is expressed in the loss of LIFE: biodiversity decreases.

Producing green leaves is the quickest and easiest way to channel solar energy into the foodweb - in other words “harvesting sunlight”.

Agriculture uses sunshine, technology, biological and social capital to support productivity. Effective management is measured by volume and quality:
  • ProfitABILITY: sustaining civilisation
  • Success is expressed in the sustaining of civilization: growing, wealthy city based human communities
  • Failure is expressed in the failure of civilizations: history teaches us that over 20 civilizations have failed when agricultural practices consumed their biological foundations.)

Primary produce is the fuel for commerce: Financial viability. Effective management is measured by purchasing power:

  • TaxABILITY: sustaining power structures
  • Success is expressed in law and order and the thriving of cultural values.
  • Failure is expressed in the loss of these and is manifested in as many different ways.

The concept of “enviro-commerce” is about restorative economics. Modern societies have a moral obligation to reverse environmental dammage of the past. In this light: what nature supplies does have a cost attached that needs to be factored into commercial equations. It is for this reason that we include “enviro-levies” or “eco-contributions” in our pricing. This is also the reason that at an operational level we give precedence to the building of biological foundations (healthy soil biota and a balanced functioning of fundamental eco-system processes) over physical infrastructure.